I'm venturing back into the fabulous world of insurance (although for a much less sexist company I hope) and staying on the broker side. I've heard brokers have more fun anyway...
How I ended up with this job is really strange. I did a phone interview with an HR firm for a job I was totally unqualified for as it turns out (needed like 7 years of supervisory experience). The woman said that I wasn't qualified (which I agree with), but she said she said I was bright, articulate, and fun to talk to and would I mind if she sent my resume to a few people she knows. I obviously did not mind. She set up a meeting for myself and the owner for two days later.
Part of their interview process is taking a DiSC assessment. I hate those online personality tests. The answers are never good, and you end up looking like a crazy person. Change of pace - I got a copy of the results! What were my results? As my friend Mike said, "I feel like it would have been easier to write 'We've determined you're a sociopath, but it's cool we're kinda down with that in business practice'."
I scored high in the Influence dimension. That doesn't sound too bad, right? That can be a good thing. Then they show you the words you match with in each of the four categories. A few choice ones I got: domineering, demanding, restless, stubborn, defiant, obstinate, and tactless. To quote the great Cordelia Chase "Tact is just not saying true stuff." They then asked me how I felt about all these words. I feel like that piece of the interview is just seeing how you react to that!

Short version of this test? It's a Sorting Hat, and I'm in Slytherin.
I hope to take everything that I learned from my last position and from the last six months of unemployment and apply it to my new job. I've learned a lot about myself and what I think about and need in other people. Gotta keep those intimidation skills sharp!