So, I made a few resolutions in 2017. Not all of them went according to plan...
1. Blog more. I am super inconsistent. I will have a great streak and then nada. Need to do this more.
Okay, did well at this for a bit and then totally failed. I need to get my shit together.
2. Go to yoga more. Another thing I have been inconsistent with. Every time I go, I really feel good. I have gotten so much better I've the past year and a half, so I need to keep it up!
This one went well for a while then fell off (are we sensing a theme here?). I kept giving myself weird injuries so I couldn't go. I sprained my shoulder while trying to do stretches. Then I fell flat on my face while on a run and scraped up my knee and hand.
3. Do whatever I can to make sure that America doesn't go directly to hell. There will be a lot to do to resist the hatred that will increase, but inaction is its own evil.
This one went well! I donated to charities, volunteered my time, and wrote to my elected officials. Also voted in the local elections.
4. Read 125 books. Now, now all books are hundreds of pages. I read a bunch of short zombie books. Last year I made my goal of 100, so I moved it up.
I am literally doing this right now. I'm at 111, and I will be able to read short books between today and tomorrow. This one is a win.
5. Learn to knit. Been on my list for about three years.
Moving this one to 2018.
6. Get to goal weight. I am about six pounds away!
I made it to goal weight! It has definitely been harder to keep up while in an office. Random snacks, ordering lunches, not being able to walk around all the time - the usual office stuff. I got a standing desk (because I was ridiculously jealous when my coworker got one and immediately ordered one for myself).
7. Find a job. This is the most necessary of all of them. Even if it's the thing I want to do the least.
Checked this one off in April! The last day I worked in 2017 was December 22nd, but I'll be back at it in 2018. This has been going really well for me - I'm officially on our website as an Account Manager!!!
2017 went really well for me personally and professionally. My 30s have been awesome so far (I'm even still getting carded!).
Let's see how 2018 goes.