I mean, points for originality. Most people go with a "oh, I didn't mean it like that" or "I expressed myself in a poor manner and thoroughly apologize." Generally people try to apologize (even if it is in a half assed way). Maybe they try to say that it was misinterpreted.
Not Roseanne.
She apologized for her Tweet not the thought behind it, and that is a key difference.
Roseanne didn't apologize for comparing Valerie Jarrett to an ape. She didn't apologize for the Muslim Brotherhood comments. She apologized for Tweeting and being caught in what she said. While "apologizing" for what she said, she showed us who she really is. We need to believe her.
Her rapid fire replies this morning were definitely from the Cheetoh in Chief school of Twitter. Tweet as fast you can as loud as you can and hope that people lose themselves in the frenzy and forget. Shockingly, it didn't happen this time. Roseanne's show was canceled even though it was number one.
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https://bit.ly/2IXa9wW |
Why would she think this Tweet of all of them would be the thing to bring down her sitcom? She dressed as Nazi taking people shaped cookies out of an oven. I really don't care if it was supposed to be a satirical photoshoot - there's some stuff you don't do. Just not ever. I wouldn't dye my hair orange and wear a bulletproof vest in a movie theater. Some shit just isn't funny.
She called Susan Rice (the 24th National Security Advisor who was Rhodes Scholar) "a man with big swinging ape balls." Roseanne is a trash person who loves comparing people of color to apes. The producers of the show told us to separate her personal life from her character.
We do live in a world where the sorry ass excuse for a human got elected President even with a recording of him saying "grab them by the pussy." It makes sense that racists would think that they can get away with saying whatever they want. We don't have to live in that world anymore. We don't have to let them take over.
Is it about goddamn time we take back our country from people who openly express their racist, homophobic, and sexist ideas?