Today ended up being my last day at a job I had worked at for a little over 5 years. I wasn't aware it was going to be my last day, but that is how the day ended. Morning really - I got the news at about 10am. I was in my car with all my things by 11.
This is the first time in my life that have ever had my position eliminated. I have been working since I was about 16 (so 14 years...ugh that is way too long). I went from working at a dentist's office to retail to work study jobs to CBC to QBE to TJS (I only work at places with three initials apparently). I took a bit of time off between CBC and QBE, but I worked my last day at QBE on a Friday and started at TJS on a Monday.
I always thought I would be more upset about it. I always thought if I left somewhere in a way that wasn't my own terms, I would completely fall apart. I was wrong.
I came home, had some home brewed beer (a Session IPA), went grocery shopping, and am going to go to happy hour. The world kept spinning. I was going to reference a comic I once saw about how can the world still spin after someone you love dies (obviously this is a much less serious level), but my Google searching is only bringing up Negan. I don't need him right now!
This probably won't feel real until Monday anyway. What I am doing right now is what I would have been doing on a "normal" day. When I don't have to get up at 630 on Monday morning to drive through horrific traffic to dodge a closed Liberty Bridge, then it may feel different.
This wasn't exactly the first post I had in mind, but it was interesting.
This is great. Please more of this.