Sunday, January 1, 2017

2017 Arrived!

Do people still make resolutions? I really only heard about them as a joke this year. They seem like a good idea - why not try to better yourself? Using the change of a year to start is a little bit tied, but the idea of becoming better is always good.

I decided I was going to make some resolutions this year (even if only to look back in 2018 to see how I failed as a person.

1. Blog more. I am super inconsistent. I will have a great streak and then nada. Need to do this more.
2. Go to yoga more. Another thing I have been inconsistent with. Every time I go, I really feel good. I have gotten so much better I've the past year and a half, so I need to keep it up!
3. Do whatever I can to make sure that America doesn't go directly to hell. There will be a lot to do to resist the hatred that will increase, but inaction is its own evil.
4. Read 125 books. Now, now all books are hundreds of pages. I read a bunch of short zombie books. Last year I made my goal of 100, so I moved it up.
5. Learn to knit. Been on my list for about three years.
6. Get to goal weight. I am about six pounds away!
7. Find a job. This is the most necessary of all of them. Even if it's the thing I want to do the least.

There we have it! Things I am going to attempt to do this year. I don't think I set the bar too high, but I always surprise myself!

I hope the negativity of 2016 will stay back in the past where it belongs. Although I am not holding my breath on that.


  1. go. do it. make life extraordinary. practice happiness. Enjoy making a new you!!!!
