I am a founding member and founding officer of Lambda. Duquesne's Gay Straight Alliance.
It was a defining moment of my life.
Daddy Ho (Father Hogan to those of you who haven't been shamed by your acquiantnce with the man) said there were no gay people at Duquesne.
In addition to being a bold-faced lie to priests we knew who were gay, it was a cutting statement.
Gay people don't exist.
Bisexual people don't exist.
Transgender people don't exist.
None of us exist.
People say "safe space" and "microaggression" are stupid phrases.
Really? Children of men who are unfit to lead talk to on social media about how people don't have to deal with anything more than a tasty sandwich. Men who have millions of dollars pick on vulnerable populations.
Every minute of every day people deal with statements and assumptions that try to make who they are disappear.
Just because an aggression is small doesn't mean it isn't real.
I'm in a heterosexual relationship.
That doesn't make me straight.
I'm not straight.
I cannot even being to understand what this social media attention is doing to those in charge of Lambda right now. Even when we were in our most social media heavy time, it was before the world was like this. That asshole may have gone on the news, but no one ever called us about it.
So...call me about it. I'm a founding member of Lambda who is an adult in the world right now. Don't harass college students trying to make the world a better place. Talk to those of us who are working on the working world right now.
Let's talk about Duquesne. Let's talk about the school who cuts funding for the liberal arts school and who fights every movement from the unions but has tons of time to throw the gay kids under the bus.
That's the Duquesne I know. That's the Duquesne I lived. That's the Duquesne I want to see defend itself.
We aren't accepting the things we cannot change. We are changing the things we cannot accept.
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