Like, great job this year! Danica Roem beat Bob Marshall! Bill Peduto was re-elected! Outside of America, Australia's gay marriage survey by mail seems to be on the right side of history. Hate was generally defeated.
Where the fuck was this last year?
A year ago today, I was dealing with what seemed to be literally impossible. A racist, homophobic, misogynistic demagogue was elected to the highest office in the land. With zero experience. A woman with years of experience and goddamn human decency lost. I was on my sabbatical so at least I was able to deal with it with whiskey.
It's like everyone suffered from some temporary insanity. There is an entire Twitter account dedicated to showing tweets before and after the election. There are liberals who didn't vote because they wanted Bernie. I don't have great words to describe how I feel about that, but they aren't nice.
American Horror Story: Cult has been doing such a phenomenal job of capturing what happened and unfortunately where we might be headed. Starting with some of our newly introduced characters voting for Jill Stein or not voting at all (I don't even know which is worse) to showing how easy it is for a situation to escalate beyond what you can control, it's like real life. I have relived the 2016 election and the aftermath so many times this season. I both love and hate it. I have to watch in slow motion the destruction of the American voting system.
While I'm proud that we started to bring our country back, I'm disgusted that we let it get there in the first place. In order to survive until the next Presidential election (maximum 3 more year), we need to take the advice of the great RuPaul:

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