I literally can't see anything about it on social media without tearing up. I'm tearing up now, and I haven't even said anything about it yet.
Young people, most of whom can't even vote yet, are showing that they will stand up to what is wrong. They see a system that is fundamentally flawed and have to do something about it. They are standing together to do what is right.
What's also amazing is the way others are reacting to these walkouts.
While internet jagoffs will always say stupid shit about how everyone should keep their mouths shut and shriek about the Second Amendment, the majority of reactions are incredible.
Colleges are putting out statements saying they won't won't penalize students who participate in National Walkout Day (or other peaceful protests). Principals and teachers are working with their students to talk about violence in schools and gun control. Mayors of major cities are tweeting that America is with them.
It's a whole different world.
America let schoolchildren be slaughtered at Sandy Hook, and we didn't do anything. The survivors were too young to speak for themselves. The Parkland Students can, and they are.
When was the last time we heard survivors on this level? We are in an age of fast social media and even faster replies. There has never been this kind of platform before. There has never been a time when survivors can respond in real time to deniers and liars.
As soon as guns rights nuts (very different from responsible gun owners who pay close attention to safety) started tweeting and posting and going on TV talking about shit they know nothing about, these students fought back. I can't imagine being under the kind of scrutiny they are - how people must be going after them and their families. But they keep going. They're putting themselves back in the narrative.
I honestly don't know if I could have done what they are doing at their age. I don't know if I could stand that kind of scrutiny and attacks now. The young people leading and participating in this are an inspiration.
When those people are able to register to vote, they aren't going to let the bastards get away with this anymore. They are going to remember what people have said. The names they've called them. The denial and lies. And I can't wait to see it.
When was the last time we heard survivors on this level? We are in an age of fast social media and even faster replies. There has never been this kind of platform before. There has never been a time when survivors can respond in real time to deniers and liars.

I honestly don't know if I could have done what they are doing at their age. I don't know if I could stand that kind of scrutiny and attacks now. The young people leading and participating in this are an inspiration.
When those people are able to register to vote, they aren't going to let the bastards get away with this anymore. They are going to remember what people have said. The names they've called them. The denial and lies. And I can't wait to see it.
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