Tuesday, May 16, 2017

An Election Day

Another election day! We survived to this one.

People who don't vote in primary elections drive me insane. Now, I'm not talking about people who are unable to do so, but people who simply don't. Just like "eh, I don't care." Really? You sure? That's the kind of attitude that got us into the dismal political situation are are in.

I know, I know - primaries are boring! The candidates are people you generally fundamentally agree with. It's why you're all in the same political party! We don't have a lot of open primaries running around, so you are voting for people you like. But they are insanely important. This is the spot where we choose who runs for the office itself. Primaries are part of how Orange 45 happened. We gotta start shutting this shit down.

Primary elections are the foundation for the other elections. This is where things get started. You can start learning about the candidates way before November. A lack of education about who we are voting for can't be excused with all the resources we have available.

If you didn't vote yet, Planned Parenthood has an excellent 2017 Primary Voter's Guide. I found it helpful as a starting place for the court races. No idea who most of those people are. I only knew who I wasn't going to vote for because someone I really really really really really hate was on his campaign flyers that came in the mail. Made that decision easy!

You don't want to be starting from scratch trying to figure out who to vote for in November. It'll probably be easy for larger elections like Mayor and Councilman (I'm def Team Peduto and Team Gilman). For those court elections, you can vote for multiple people. Nothing makes me feel quite as dumb as standing in front of a machine wishing I had bothered to take 10 minutes to look someone up. Start now.

I was number 105 at my polling place. I went right around 5. I'm hoping there will be some kind of crazy rush going on right about now and those numbers will go up! With how many people I have seen there in Presidential years, it's a damn shame that more people don't vote.

Polls close at 8:00. Let's make the future better.

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